Home 9 News 9 European news 9 The Joint Research Centre has launched the ACTIONbook on place-based innovation!

The Joint Research Centre has launched the ACTIONbook on place-based innovation!

Mar 4, 2024 | European news, News

On 24 January, the Joint Research Centre and the European Committee of the Regions published an ACTIONbook on innovation for place-based transformation. This handbook is the result of a co-creation effort with  the Partnerships for Regional Innovation (PRI) pilot, the PRI Scientific Committee, experts and policy makers.

This comprehensive publication entitled as “Innovation for Place-based Transformations”, underlines the imperative of a paradigm shift in addressing the multifaceted challenges facing Europe and the world at large.

In essence, the handbook underlines the inadequacy of conventional approaches to address problems such as climate change, biodiversity loss and rising inequalities. It argues that solutions to these pressing challenges require a move away from traditional mindsets and tools. Hence, it advocates novel approaches, encompassing inter-territorial collaboration and networked governance to promote long-term socialBwell-being and climate-resilient development.

It stresses the importance of understanding the intricate interrelationships and feedback effects between them.

The ACTIONbook offers activities for fostering strategic partnerships across various levels and boundaries, followed by examples of innovative practices from Europe. It concludes with a set of tools linked to the activities for practical application.

You can find more information here.

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