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Rural Voting Dynamics and the Geography of Discontent: A New Study

Mar 7, 2024 | European news, News

Increased scepticism towards the EU, accompanied by a surge in anti-EU votes in the European Parliament and national elections, has been notable over the past decade. This trend finds its roots in a complex interplay of factors including prolonged economic downturns, industrial decline, limited educational opportunities, and a scarcity of local employment prospects. Particularly affected are rural areas, which often bear the brunt of these challenges.

Recently published, the study “Rural areas and the geography of discontent” (2024) was commissioned by the Committee of the Regions to shed the light on voters’ choices in rural areas and the possibility of different voting patterns in rural and urban territories, drawing upon recent research by DG REGIO and analysing data from various subnational elections. The study seeks to discern potential differences in voting patterns between rural and urban typologies, offering insights crucial for shaping strategies leading up to the 2024 European Parliament elections.

By examining voting trends in both European and national elections alongside selected subnational polls, the study aims to discern underlying factors influencing electoral choices, thus providing valuable insights for future policymaking and democratic discourse within the EU.

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