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Empowering rural policy with data: New guidelines from GRANULAR 

Empowering rural policy with data: New guidelines from GRANULAR 

By University of Pisa, Ciheam IAMM and IIASA. The GRANULAR project recently released new guidelines and training materials for data collection. Developed in collaboration with inputs from the project’s seven Living Labs, the report offers practical steps for local...

Prototype Rural Diversity Compass

Prototype Rural Diversity Compass

Authors: Henk Oostindie, Bettina Bock, Rural Sociology, Wageningen University Rural areas are different from one another. They range across islands, mountains, remote rural areas, rural areas close to cities and so on. We need a tool to be able to picture and...

Rural accessibility indicators with open source routing engines

Rural accessibility indicators with open source routing engines

Authors: Ronan Ysebaert, Marianne Guérois, Louis Laurian, RIATE Accessibility Is a crucial element of our everyday’s life and a backstone for economic development and service provision. Yet, accessibility is still a major concern for rural and remote areas. This blog...

Unlocking the Potential of Open Data for Rural Development

Unlocking the Potential of Open Data for Rural Development

Authors: Michael Kull, Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE), Tristan Berchoux (IAMM) and Ian McCallum (IIASA). In an era where decision-making is increasingly relying on both accurate and granular data, understanding the dynamics of rural territories is crucial...