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Web scraping data on rural housing in Sweden

Web scraping data on rural housing in Sweden

Author: Carlos Tapia, Nordregio Web scraping Web scraping is a method for mechanically gathering data from webpages. It entails utilizing software to extract data from online pages, including text, photos, and tables. Web scraping can be used to collect pertinent...

Towards a GRANULAR territorial typology for rural diversity

Towards a GRANULAR territorial typology for rural diversity

Authors: Mats Stjernberg, Gustaf Norlén, Anna Vasilevskaya & Carlos Tapia, Nordregio In this blog post, Mats Stjernberg, Gustaf Norlén, Anna Vasilevskaya, Carlos Tapia from Nordregio, present some key considerations towards developing an EU-wide rural typology in...

The cost of non-rurality: towards an assessment?

The cost of non-rurality: towards an assessment?

Author: Carla Lostrangio, European Association for Innovation in Local Development (AEIDL) In 2022, the 8th Cohesion Report of the European Commission warned about the widening gap between urban and rural areas. Territorial imbalances and territorial divides in...

Exploring Open Data Sources for Rural Areas

Exploring Open Data Sources for Rural Areas

Authors: Martin Hofer & Ian McCallum, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) Over the past half year, the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) and other GRANULAR partners have been leading efforts on screening more...

P10, our GRANULAR Living Lab in the Netherlands

P10, our GRANULAR Living Lab in the Netherlands

Author: Heleen Huiskamp, Dutch Living Lab in GRANULAR In this blog post, our Living Lab in the Netherlands tells us a bit more about their own rural area and what move them to join this international project. Why have you decided to be part of the GRANULAR project?...

Targets and tools for a Smarter Rural Europe

Targets and tools for a Smarter Rural Europe

On 15th March, the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) voted the Opinion on “Targets and Tools for a Smart Rural Europe”.  This Opinion was presented by CoR’s rapporteur on the EU Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas, Radim Srsen, who is also Mayor of the Municipality...