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Why does GRANULAR exist?

Apr 18, 2023 | GRANULAR, News

GRANULAR’s motto and reason to exist is “better knowledge for better rural policies”. In a video of less than 2 minutes, Tristan Berchoux- GRANULAR Coordinator points out the three main objectives for our project to be a fundamental milestone to accelerate sustainable development in rural areas.

#1: Develop a Rural Compass

Our Rural Compass aims to guide rural actors to design place-based policies that are fitted to the needs of rural areas. Our Compass builds on the conceptualization of rural diversity, through a deep understanding of its multiple characteristics and functionalities.

#2: Generate new data and indicators to grasp rural diversity

Rural areas lack sufficient and adequate data. Our project addresses this gap. It will produce new data and indicators to understand rural diversity and its implications for rural policies. Data provided by GRANULAR will be open access and the methods to generate them will be replicable.

#3: Unlock an in-depth analysis

Rural areas are diverse and complex. An in-depth analysis of rural areas, their trends, and challenges, will allow us to understand how those connect to each other. It will also allow the unpacking of the mechanisms behind some of the most critical challenges.

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