
17 Nov 2023



EU Rural Pact: EU funding paving the way to the rural vision 

In the High-level Rural Policy Forum (27-29 September 2023) organised in Sigüenza (Spain), the Rural Pact Community emphasised the importance of facilitating access to financial opportunities by local actors and communities to help them implement their projects and ambitions and contribute to a more cohesive development of rural territories, leaving no rural area behind.

In addition, this Policy Action Lab will continue the reflections initiated at the Forum in Sigüenza. It aims to capitalise on the collective knowledge and feedback of the Rural Pact Community to suggest  orientations to enhance the design and use of EU policies instruments to better support rural communities in the future, by for instance enhancing coordination among policies, streamlining support to integrated local development or through the innovative ways of mobilising and combining different funding opportunities.

More info!