
5 Oct 2023



MOVING EU MAP webinar | Protected natural sites: A constraint or an opportunity for mountain value chains?

MOVING will organise its third European Multi-Actor Platform (EU MAP) webinar on 5 October 2023, from 10 AM-12:30 AM (CET). The topic of the event will be focused on the constraints and opportunities of protected natural sites for mountain value chains. 

In 2022, the EU MAP within the MOVING project carried out a study to investigate how the presence of protected natural sites affects value chains across its 23 mountain regions43.5% of MOVING Regions said that protected natural sites are somehow a constraint to mountain value chains as they harshen regulations on business activity and prevention, land and resource use as well as restrict tourism and visitor management. Nonetheless, the far majority of respondents (82.6%) also said that the presence of natural areas is an opportunity as it brings economic, environmental, and social benefits.